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Group Memberships

Group memberships allow individuals to pool their resources to participate in the club on a lower average monthly cost basis, or allow families, organizations or generous individuals to sponsor people at the club. Group Memberships in Metro Seattle Gamers (MSG) are sold on a calendar month or on a multi-calendar month basis. The club offers Group Membership accounts for groups ranging from 3 to 7 slots for individuals. These slots are used as follows:

Group Leader. Every group has a leader. The Group Leaders is responsible for the billing and in allocating the remaining slots in the group. The Group Host has the same privileges as a Key Member of the club in terms of Votes, Key, Library, Live Game Storage, Scheduling, and Access to the club facility. Once a month the Group Host can assign the remaining slots of the Group to individuals; this can be done by the Group Host online or by contacting the club to make assignments.

Group Member. If the Group Host assigns a remaining slot in the Group to a clearly identified individual (name, contact information) then that individual becomes a Group Member of the club. A Group Individual Member has access to the club facility whenever it is open by a Key Member, Group Host Member, or club officer. An Individual Member can participate in club discussions but does not have a vote.  The next step up for a Group Member would be to join the club at the Associate level of membership .

Group Guest. If a remaining slot in the group account is not assigned to any individual, that slot is treated as a Guest pass that may be used by the Group Host at any time during the membership period that the Group Host is present at the club, or by prior arrangement with the General Manager. Unlike Single Session Guest passes that are also available to members, these Guest slots would be available for the term of the membership.

All Group membership slots (Group Host, Group Member, Group Guest) are subject to the approval of the General Manager and in principle may be reviewed by the club membership.

You can register or update a MSG group membership by using the automated system below., You can either set up automatic monthly payments with a credit card (preferred), or pay manually by cash or check each month.  The Group Leader is responsible for paying the dues each month. The Group decides how to allocate dues within the group.

Group Membership options with Metro Seattle Gamers:

Select membership level

* Mandatory fields
* Membership level

This is a good spot to place your secondary navigation gadget, like Navigation links, or Secondary menu.

The club is open when members are playing games, led by a key holder.

Our clubhouse is located at:

Nickerson Marina Building
Suite 301
1080 W Ewing Pl
Seattle, Washington

(206) 781-0047‬

Mailing address in on the Contacts page, although email is much faster than physical mail:

Click here for more location and contact information. 

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Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software
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