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We will post notes and news items of interest here.
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  • 11 Aug 2015 3:28 PM | Scot McConnachie (Administrator)

    Over the past several months four games that have seen heavy development activity at Metro Seattle Gamers have now reached the P-500 list for GMT Games.

    Gallipoli, 1915: Churchill's Greatest Gamble realistically covers the first three days of the campaign, a time of wild maneuver, of decisive attacks parried by the timely arrival of reinforcements, and the onset of trench warfare. The map covers the entire peninsula from north of Anzac Cove to Cape Helles, based on the 1922 British Ordnance Survey. Players can choose to land at the historical beaches, or create their own plans.

     This game is designed by MSG member Geoffrey Phipps.

    The Seven Years War: Frederick's Gamble. In adapting GMT’s multi-award-winning The Napoleonic Wars game system by Mark McLaughlin, Designer Greg Ticer, aided by Developer Fred Schachter, create a furiously paced, card-driven, and battle/siege-intensive strategic/operational game which can be concluded  by two, three, or four experienced players in an evening or an afternoon. Players represent the Coalition of Britain and Prussia or their nemesis, the Imperial Camp of Austria (with its Holy Roman Empire Pact Ally) and France (with its powerful Russian Pact Ally).  The four main Powers never change Camps.  Neutral Sweden and Denmark wait to possibly be swayed into one of the antagonist’s fold.  Britain and France not only contend against each other on the continent, but upon the game’s colonial mini-maps and through an abstract naval war. 


    MSG's lead playtester for this game is Stephen Graham. Veteran game designer and developer Fred Shachter is a frequent attendee to these sessions. 

    Hitler's Reich is the first of the Card Conquest System game series in which players recreate epic military contests of history in short, comparatively simple and easy to learn, but hard to master games.  Designed to be set up in minutes and played to conclusion in one sitting, these are not simulations but games, albeit ones packed with enough historical flavor, excitement, and decision making to give you the feeling of being there at the highest levels of command.

    Frequent MSG attendee Fred Schacter is the developer of this game.

    Illusions of Glory The Great War on the Eastern Front is the latest Card Driven Game to simulate the Great War in Europe.  First came the award-winning legendary Paths of Glory by Ted Raicer, which simulates the entire war in Europe and the Middle East which is now a convention favorite.  It was followed by the well-received Pursuit of Glory, designed by Brad and Brian Stock, which focuses on the war in the Near East.  Illusions of Glory takes this proven game system to a new and exciting level by applying its focus to the Eastern Front.
     The MSG playtest lead for this game is Luther Harris. Fred Schacter is the developer.

    You may want to check these games out on the GMT website; use the hyperlinks above to do so. 


  • 06 Aug 2015 2:46 PM | Scot McConnachie (Administrator)

    Metro Seattle Gamers will be closed from August 5th to 6 pm August 10th for the Dragonflight Annual Convention, which will be held Friday, August 7 through Sunday, August 9th at the Bellevue Hilton Hotel, Bellevue, Washington.

    The long running Dragonflight Annual Convention features hundreds of boardgame, roleplaying game and wargaming sessions. For further information please consult

    We hope to see you at the convention! 

  • 13 Sep 2014 5:45 PM | Scot McConnachie (Administrator)

    Once a year, the club membership holds their annual meeting to elect officers for the upcoming year and to discuss various matters before the membership.

    This year's annual meeting is scheduled for 10:30 am, Saturday, September 27th.

    All active members of Metro Seattle Gamers are encouraged to participate in this meeting. While others may attend this meeting, the club membership reserves the right to exclude non-club members from this meeting. During this meeting the club will be closed to other activities.

    As a reminder this meeting is for the members of MSG, not the members of Dragonflight. Dragonflight's membership meeting is generally held on the first day of the Dragonflihgt annual convention. Metro Seattle Gamers operates autonomously under the supervision of Dragonflight. All decisions by the MSG membership and officers are subject to the final discretion of Dragonfllight.

  • 22 May 2014 11:13 AM | Scot McConnachie (Administrator)

    Dear viewer, supporter, and member of Metro Seattle Gamers,

    Effective today, Dragonflight’s game club, Metro Seattle Gamers, has a new website:


    This website will serve as the primary, but not the only, contact point for information about the club. In addition to providing a communications system for current and prospective club members, our new system will also provide the a club membership registration system, allowing club members to check upon the status of their club membership. In the future, after consulting with the club membership, we will probably use more of our new capabilities. In the meantime anyone who is interested in keeping track of developments may subscribe to our occasional news notices from this site by selecting the following hyperlink:



    The Yahoo! Group, Dragonflight-MSG, will continue to operate as before and it will serve as the public email discussion group for the club; for the time being we will also maintain a duplicate event calendar in this group. Metro Seattle Gamers has plans to maintain its presence on other services in the near future; we will announce them when they are set up. NOTE: This new system covers Metro Seattle Gamers only, not the Dragonflight Annual Convention nor the Dragonflight parent organization; links for these other functions can be found on the new MSG website or at the next hyperlink below.


    The Dragonflight Annual Convention is also coming up, August 8-10th at the Bellevue Hilton. The longest running games convention in the Pacific Northwest, Dragonflight XXXV promises to be a fun, personable convention offering a great variety of events in board games, wargames, and role-playing games. We invite all friends and supporters of Metro Seattle Gamers to actively participate in the Dragonflight convention as event sponsors, staff, or as players. For more information about the convention or the Dragonflight parent organization please consult


    Please also note that there has been a rationalization of names and URLs by Abecorn and Dragonflight. Effective May 4, 2014 all Abecorn sites and services are operating under names and URLs registered to Abecorn and all rights and uses of the terms Metro Seattle Gamers, metroseattlegamers, and the URL have reverted to Dragonflight. The URL no longer links to Abecorn’s website. As of this time, neither Dragonflight nor Metro Seattle Gamers have any content on Abecorn’s website and vice versa. Dragonflight thanks Ben Stephenson and his partners for their previous efforts and wishes them good luck with their venture. You may follow Abecorn’s efforts at



    To recap, information about Dragonflight, a non-profit organization supporting the gaming hobby in the Pacific Northwest, its Annual Convention and Metro Seattle Gamers may be found at the following URLs: 




    Thank you for your attention and support.


    Scot McConnachie
    General Manager for Metro Seattle Gamers

  • 23 Apr 2014 5:16 PM | Scot McConnachie (Administrator)

    This new website will become our primary communications point to the public. This site provides a number of advantages for our members.

    1) A functional website for the club that doesn't have to be managed by a web programmer.

    2) It allows our members to set up their own user profiles on this website.

    3) A central public event schedule that is not hidden by Yahoo! Groups current policy.

    4) Members can make payment and adjust their membership status from this website.

    5) As we get used to using the new event system we can layer in daily visitor registrations there as well.

    There are more options with this system that will be brought up to our membership in the near future, but for now we are attempting to duplicate club procedures rather than build new ones.

    Stay tuned!

  • 23 Apr 2014 12:22 PM | Scot McConnachie (Administrator)


    This is somewhat older news that happened last fall but it bears repeating. Our club members, and some of their families, pitched in to repaint and reorganize the club's physical space.

    The space in the main gaming area has been reorganized with all game storage now taking place against one wall. The whiteboards have been moved to more useful locations and a new suspended lighting system has been put into the rear gaming room. That room now provides a more pleasant and private gaming experience.

    This contribution was a spontaneous contribution: many of our members contributed in their time to make this happen. It was a wonderful morale boost to boot. We thank all of the members who pitched in to improve our club. We also extend a special thanks to Erin Marshall, who inspired and contributed much labor to this effort. Erin also painted the sign shown above.

    Below is a shot of the rear gaming room.

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This is a good spot to place your secondary navigation gadget, like Navigation links, or Secondary menu.

The club is open when members are playing games, led by a key holder.

Our clubhouse is located at:

Nickerson Marina Building
Suite 301
1080 W Ewing Pl
Seattle, Washington

(206) 781-0047‬

Mailing address in on the Contacts page, although email is much faster than physical mail:

Click here for more location and contact information. 

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